Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fortunately For Me, My Addictions Are Few

After a trip Matt comes home with a full flashcard, a suitcase of clothes to be washed and sometimes, depending on the country, a stomach bug. He always tries to bring a small souvenir for Jack and Sophie, and he does a great job of finding lovely things for me. This time he was in Thailand, and in addition to several gorgeous gifts from the night market, he also came home with the first three seasons of The Office! So now, once the kids are asleep each night, I'm trying really hard to only watch a few episodes at a time...


Unknown said...

Watch out...the office is seriously addicting! just ask amy who stayed up all night and watched all through the next day pretty much to finish season 3! hope you love it!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of THE OFFICE but when we got our hands on a season of Prison Break, we watched 4 and 5 episodes a night!!! We just couldn't help it! Isn't it wonderful!! Sherry